Oracle of Consciousness

#129 - Affirmations
and Feelings

It should come as no surprise that we live in a dualistic world of endless manifestations.

Duality implies two or more of everything.

Polarity, separation, opposites, pairs, binary, past, present and differences are just some of the form of duality.

How does duality serve us you may well question?

Duality adds relativity to our lives, 'this' compared to 'that', 'good' versus 'bad' and more importantly, it permits us to experience whatever we create in this three-dimensional world we inhabit.

In a state of Oneness,
there is no duality
or relativity.

Oneness is an absence of 'Twoness'.

Therefore, there are no-things, there is nothing in the Oneness, except the paradox that everything and nothing exists simultaneously!

Wow, that gets a bit weird, doesn't it?

Well, let's explain it.

In order to bring about a co-creation in this great Wheel of Life we are playing in, we need to tap into the Oneness, the Unified Field of Potential.

Draw from it that which is un-manifested, but has the potential to be unquestionably evident.

That's where we come in as co-creators.

We are endeavouring and in countless numbers of times successfully manifesting something out of nothing, starting with an idea, it's not tangible, or physical at this time, we can't touch it, smell, hear, see or taste it.

So, to bring this abstract idea into fruition, out of no-thing into something, we need to have a clear vision of what the end result would look like.

Affirmations are very positive and clear statements about a desired end result.

It's spoken as a specific declaration as if it is already manifested, it already exists.

It's not uttered as some nebulous, wishy washy idea about the future,

"I want to be happy soon",


"I think would like a...."

It is enunciated in detail and as a done deal!

It's spoken as if it is here, right now, in this present moment.

"I have a wonderful, supportive, functional and loving relationship, based on mutual integrity, and shared interests."

That's an affirmation.

"I drive the car of my dreams, a steel grey coloured KIA Sportage SUV. It is fully paid for and I love every moment behind the wheel."

There's lists and lists of affirmations available on the internet, but the best ones are the ones you make up yourself, which are tailored to suit your needs and visions.

However, affirmations on their own, tends to be a mental construct and we need to add one more ingredient to make it more real and deeper into alignment.

And that is to FEEL
the end result.

Feel it deeply within you, within your heart and soul, within your whole body.

What does it feel like to have manifested this and experiencing it in this moment?

In many philosophies, this is the missing ingredient.

It's not enough to 'Think and Grow Rich' without added how it feels to have achieved it.

Work out fully what it is you wish to affirm and go ahead and create to your hearts content!

You have a whole world at your fingertips

After all, you are made of the same stuff as the Universe!